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Buy canned Dardo here online. We sell light tuna in olive oil, scallops in sauce, pickled mussels, sardines in olive oil, natural clams, natural cockles, squid in its ink, squid in olive oil, and natural razor clams. Its most famous preserves are those of pickled mussels, collected in the most important ports of the Galician Rías. The origin of this company dates back to 1969 in the Illa de Arousa. The values ​​that the company defends are tradition, technique, quality and product, in order to offer the best canned fish from the Galician estuaries. The pieces are selected directly and collected in the best time of year and in the main points. For the preparation of the preserves, they are cooked, packed, packaged and the marinade is added. In the case of sardines, they are roasted in the traditional way and packed individually. The pieces that are included in the preserves are selected by hand to guarantee their characteristic flavor and quality. Learn more about canned sardines here.

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0034 931763594

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On weekdays:



from 8:00 to 21:00

from 9:00 to 20:00

from 10:00 to 19:00