Agromar & Arbeyal

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Buy Agromar and Arbeyal cans here online. Agromar is known for making canned fish and shellfish from the Cantabrian Sea. Arbeyal is characterized by making typical cans from Asturias, using local meats and legumes without additives, preservatives, or colorings. Agromar was created in 1948, the year in which its founder had the idea of ​​selling canned sea-urchin. Some of its canned products are pâté de bugre, pâté of scallops, pâté of spider crab, pâté of sea-urchin, pâté of salmon and pâté of scorpion fish. It also includes canned shellfish caviar and sea urchin roe and canned peppers stuffed with spider crab, among other preserves. The high quality of its canned fish and shellfish are given thanks to a careful selection of raw materials on the shores of the Cantabrian Sea, committed to the environment. To know more about Agromar and Arbeyal canned here online.

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